Foundation Project DRC

South Africa – The Middle Orange River (MOR)

“A unique environment for recovering large diamonds”


  • Douglas to Prieska, Northern Cape Province
  • High value stones
    • 205ct diamond recovered on Saxendrift; two diamonds weighing 157ct and a 156ct respectively on Wouterspan
  • Historical mining challenges
    • Calcretised cap led to mining of basal gravels only
    • Banded Ironstone
  • Modern technology will make significant difference

Locality of MOR operations

Potential Value – To Provide an Indication



Contained Carats 

Contained Value $

Production per annum (carats)

Production Value

per annum ($)

Zone 1

20 Mt

  100 000

180 000 000

 5 000

  9 000 000

Zone 2

15 Mt*

 75 000

110 000 000

 5 000

  9 000 000

Zone 3

14 Mt*

 75 000

100 000 000

 5 000

  9 000 000

Zone 4

15 Mt*

 70 000

110 000 000

 5 000

  9 000 000