Foundation Project DRC

Democratic Republic of Congo

Majimba Exploration - Mbuji Mayi Valley

  • Democratic Republic of Congo: Mbuji Mayi (MJM) Valley historically significant for diamond exploration and mining – approx. 20% of total world historical carat production.
  • The confirmed Targets have the potential of delivering “mid-tier” mines – mapping has been concluded and sampling and evaluation to be completed in a phased approach.
  • Massive potential project value uplift (first confirmed new African kimberlite discovery in a decade).
  • Skilled technical and operational team (experience: Angola, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, DRC, Central African Republic, Gabon, Zimbabwe, Australia, Canada and Russia).
  • The current information in the possession of management equates to approximately 5 years of exploration work to identify evaluation targets.

Team Philosophy

  • Flat management – strong in-country management team and operational presence
  • Low-cost operating structure present “in-country”
  • Entrepreneurial spirit – innovation, value creation, ability to independently complete the evaluation process
  • Best practice followed: from technical design to Kimberley Process compliance
  • Track record of delivery: geology, process engineering, mining, marketing
  • Diverse skills network
  • Excellent reputation in diamond industry
  • Strong knowledge of diamond deposits worldwide


New Diamondiferous Kimberlite Pipe Target (DRC)


Evaluate a new diamondiferous kimberlite pipe and explore two associated diamond-yielding, high-interest anomalies in the Mbuji Mayi (MJM) Valley.

  • Evaluate Target 1 – a new diamondiferous kimberlite pipe.
  • Explore Target 2 and 3 – two high-interest, diamondiferous anomalies associated with Target 1.
  • Dredge alluvial targets on and adjacent to the operation with existing in-country equipment in close proximity to Target Areas (40 kms).


Approximately 30 years ago, a major artisanal “rush” occurred in the MJM Valley.

The “rush” saw artisanals intensely working diamondiferous gravels trapped in a highly irregular, rough dolomitic pinnacle terrain that reflected karst dissolution in the Proterozoic carbonate rocks that overlie Archaean Basement.

During the “rush”, the artisanal mining uncovered an area with no dolomite pinnacles but which was occupied by a softer, more easily weathered clay-rich material.

With the passage of time, after the “rush” had long died out, the artisanals came to refer to the softer, non-pinnacle area as “kimberliet”.

However, this non-pinnacle area had an unusual, elongated shape that was decidedly atypical with respect to known kimberlite bodies.

A new diamondiferous primary source, a ca. 10 ha Late Cretaceous age kimberlite pipe, confirmed in the MJM Valley, September 2018 by Dr John Ward.

During a field visit in September 2018, a ca. 10 ha Late Cretaceous-age kimberlite pipe was confirmed as a new discovery of a diamondiferous primary source.

The eluvial diamondiferous lag gravels overlying this kimberlite pipe were mined out by artisanal miners, approximately 30 years ago. Subsequently, only limited and sporadic artisanal mining has taken place.

Consequently, the bulk of this kimberlite pipe is unmined, and the diamond content (grade) and revenue (USD per carat) is unknown.

The kimberlite (Target 1), in spite of its unusual elongated shape and estimated 200-300 m erosion, is still the lower part of a pipe and is not a root zone remnant.

At least two main volcaniclastic domains and a small siliciclastic crater type facies were recognised in the KIMs-rich Target 1 kimberlite.

The presence of crude stratification, abundant crustal xenoliths of Cretaceous-age sandstone and mudstone, in places forming breccias, point to a kimberlite pipe rather than a root zone setting for the Target 1 kimberlite.

The Target 1 kimberlite is predicted to be of Late Cretaceous age similar to the MJM kimberlite cluster.

Additional Targets

In September 2018, 2 high-interest kimberlitic anomalies (Target 2 and 3) that yielded diamonds and KIMs were also identified in the Target 1 Area by Dr John Ward.

Two dolomite-free areas, apparently not related to sinkholes, were also identified as potential kimberlitic anomalies (Target 2 and 3) in the greater Target 1 Area during the September 2018 field visit.

Both Target 2 and 3 are in excess of 10 ha each with a 5-10 m thick overburden of red soil.

Both Target 2 and 3 were intensely dug by artisanal miners approximately 30 years ago, using the Majimba Method (manual large diameter vertical holes with basal tunnelling).

Coarse angular to sub-rounded KIMs, notably ilmenite and garnet grains as well as diamonds, were recovered from the lag gravels above a weathered bedrock of unknown composition at both Target 2 and 3.

In September 2018, Target 1 kimberlite pipe was mapped out to ca.10 ha in an unusual elongated shape ca. 1 km long and 100-120 m wide by Dr John Ward.

Target 1 has an unusual atypical kimberlite pipe shape, being about 1 000 m long and between 100 m to 120 m wide. The overburden cover is mostly <1 m thick.

Some 200 m to 300 m erosion is estimated off the top of the original pipe, which must have flared outwards into the overlying soft Cretaceous cover to give a flat “champagne” type shape.

The possible extension or satellite pipe is postulated to lie to the south of Target 1.

Additional Targets

Two high-interest, diamond-yielding anomalies (Target 2 and 3) - associated with Target 1 - were also identified and mapped out in September 2018 by Dr John Ward.

Target 2 (Anomaly 1), demarcated by no dolomite pinnacles and abundant historical artisanal diggings through ca. 8 m red soil cover, was identified along a structural extension running to the west of Target 1, coarse (>10 mm), angular ilmenites were recovered from a weathered footwall in an artisanal pit by Dr John Ward.

Target 3 (Anomaly 2), ca. 4 km NW of Target 1, was intensely dug by artisanals approximately 30 years ago through a ca. 5 m red soil cover. Currently abandoned by artisanals.

Phase 1 1Q2023-2Q2023: Existing Infrastructure and Equipment

Due Diligence – NewCo Upgrade MJM base, Geophysical Surveys, Microdiamond Analyses.

Phase 1 Budget: ca. $3.87M

Initial Risk Capital to initiate Project:
$969 885 (included in Phase 1 budget)


  • Due diligence – NewCo with Tenure.
  • Upgrade MJM Base and acquire transport and equipment.
  • Geophysical surveys over Target 1, 2 and 3 area to determine size, shape and resolve anomalies (Target 2 and 3).
  • Microdiamond (MiDa) analyses of Target 2 and 3.
  • Formalise Earn-In Agreement for all phases.

Phase 2 3Q2023-1Q2024 Sampling plant setup and microdiamond analyses.

Phase 2 Budget: ca. $5.54M  


  • Construct 20tph sampling plant in South Africa (RSA).
  • Transport sampling plant to DRC site.
  • Complete MiDa analyses and assess results for Target 2 and 3.
  • To continue with production once evaluation of Target 1, 2 and 3 is completed, until an appropriate unit for the project is sized, acquired and commissioned.


Plant Specifications:

  • 20tph Modular skid mounted primary and secondary crushing plant.
    • Feed preparation plant.
    • Scrubbing module.
    • Interplant conveyors, electrics, piping and process water pump.
  • 10tph DMS complete with catch sump.
  • Containerised Flowsort™ recovery unit with single pass x-ray and ancillaries.
  • 550kVa Generator.
    • Including cabling between gensets and MCC’s.

Phase 3 2Q2024-3Q2025: Evaluation of Target 1 kimberlite pipe and Target 2 and 3 anomalies, if positive.

Phase 3 Budget; ca.$8.73M


  • Target 1 sample to generate 3,000 cts for grade (carats per cubic metre) and revenue profile (US$/ct per size class).
  • Target 2 and 3, if positive, sample to generate 3,000 cts each for grade (carats per cubic metre) and revenue profile (US$/ct per size class).
  • Plant centrally located to process Target 1 and 2 samples, with additional infrastructure only required for Target 3.

Phase 4 4Q2025-1Q2026: SAMREC Equivalent Competent Person’s Report (CPR) and Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA).

Phase 4 Budget: ca.$1.73M


  • SAMREC equivalent (NI 43-101 or JORC) CPR – financing market dependent.
  • PEA based on CPR and revenue results.
  • Risk assessment on diamond quality and size frequency distribution.
  • Upside potential was the recovery of the “Incomparable” (890 cts – 8th largest diamond in the world) in 1984 and the dredged recovery of Type IIa diamonds from the current MJM River in 2017 by the “in-country” (see right).